My Memories of Dad

1961 November - 2018 January

Created by Gary 7 years ago

My Memories by Gary

I didn’t get to know Dad properly until I was in my thirties.

My early memories as a child, I was indoctrinated into the being a Spurs fan at the age of 4; where my first experience was with Dad on the shelf in the east stand at White Hart Lane.

He had made me a stepping stool to stand on so I could see over the barrier. I can’t recall who was playing, all I remember was the noise and singing of the fans, and how cold It was!

Dad was someone who we saw for only a few weeks at a time and then went away again with his work!

When we knew he was coming home, we always looked forward to it as he brought us presents (easily bought we were).

Once, when he returned from Mexico with great gifts, he brought Lynn a Guitar, Poncho, Castanets and Maracas’, and both Keith & I got authentic Mexican Sombrero’s, I loved mine, I’d run around thinking I was speedy Gonzalez screaming anderlay, anderlay areeba, areeba!

I remember our 1st family car was a Green Morris Isis… which he used to PACK us all into our PYJAMAS and go sight-seeing round London late at night. Lynn, Keith and I would fall asleep in the back!

Dad’s love of speedway must have carried through into his road driving, I can always remember asking him to go faster round the corners on two wheels as it made that brilliant screeching sound which quite often he would do for us (when mum wasn’t in the car)!.... I believe they call that RECKLESS driving now!

The only other clear memory for me as a child was the day Dad left home to live in Northern Ireland……. Where he remarried and formed a new family.

It wasn’t until later on in my 30’s we got in contact and Dad met my brother & I for a drink at the Pymms Park Inn. We had a lot to say and cleared the air.  From then we built on our relationship and re-introduced him back into the family.

Dad started to visit regularly, and eventually he and Mum reunited as companions, Dad would come over from Northern Ireland and would hire a car to take mum away for trips. Once I recall they spent several days driving around England Scotland & Wales which Mum loved doing!

That formed the shape of things to come where Dad came back to England and moved into South Ockendon with Mum in 1999. From there onwards he stayed by Mum’s side (which she always jokingly blamed me for).  Mum, as most of us know has been in Nursing care for over 7 years now, Dad continued to take mum out for trips to Malden, Canvey & Southend just to get her an Ice cream or Jellied Eels. Right up until November last year, until he became no longer able to drive. Dad had been by Mum’s side almost every single day.

He had a larger than life character and will be sadly missed, not only for all his foible’s, of telling me how to fix something or even which driving directions I should be taking to get somewhere, all of which he was famous for doing!  And I am reluctant to admit; that more often than not he was usually right. But also for being unassumingly caring……his actions actually spoke louder than his words (and his words were usually pretty loud too)!

Rest in Peace Dad – God Bless you. And I’m sure for those who knew him well, I say this lovingly and light heated. God bless those who are about to receive you for they know not…… What’s coming!